About Us

The EAGA membership has grown and expanded each year to where we are now close to 900 members.

The EAGA was incorporated in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in February 1987 and is a non-profit, non-partisan, and non-sectarian, 501(c)(3) charitable organization. It comprises the following states: ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE, MD, VA, WV, & DC; however, our members are from all over the world including a total of 43 states. The EAGA mission is to assist in the rehabilitation of amputees and provide for their general welfare, both physical and psychological, through the medium of golf and its associated activities.



Amputee Membership is open to any individual who has experienced the loss of one or more extremities at a major joint due to amputation or birth defect. Those with other types of amputation are considered for membership on an individual basis.

Associate Membership is available to all non-amputees who are interested in our activities and support the work of the association.

Associate Arm Membership is available to anyone who is not an arm amputee but who plays golf with one arm.

Life Membership is available to anyone interested.


The EAGA provides yearly College Scholarships to qualified applicants who are amputee members and/or children & grandchildren of amputee members. The EAGA has been able to provide this Scholarship because of the fund-raising success of our yearly tournaments and other events and the generosity of our members and friends. The EAGA provides “Instructional Golf Videos” for People with Disabilities. These videos are free of charge to our members and are available through the EAGA office.

The EAGA conducts two-day golf tournaments and one-day outings and scrambles, plus its annual three-day major event – Eastern Regional Amputee Golf Championship. It also conducts NAGA “First Swing” Seminars & “Learn to Golf” clinics in our East Region. The EAGA hopes to attract more amputees to experience the fun and excitement of this wonderful game. Through the valiant efforts of our membership, we are beginning to gain more media attention in the hopes of reaching as many amputees as possible and introducing them to golf and the EAGA.

Many thanks to all our Amputee, Associate and Life Members who continue their support of our organization every year.

Our Annual Membership Dues continues to be $15.00 for both Amputee and Associate & Associate Arm Memberships.

Life Memberships are available at a one-time fee of $200.00.


An EAGA membership includes:

  • EAGA Membership Card

  • EAGA Bag Tag

  • Membership Directory

  • Financial Report

  • EAGA Constitution and Bylaws

  • Annual EAGA Golfers Magazine

  • Scholarship Application Criteria for Amputee Student and/or Children or Grandchildren of Amputee Member

  • Playing Privileges in all EAGA Sponsored Tournaments

  • Voting Privileges (amputee only).


To receive our EAGA Constitution and Bylaws, please call or e-mail the EAGA office at 610-867-9295 or rbuck@eagagolf.org.


To join the Eastern Amputee Golf Association, please complete our Online Membership Application.

If you prefer, call our office at 610-867-9295 for an application envelope and/or send an e-mail to rbuck@eagagolf.org advising us of your address and phone number

and we will forward your EAGA Membership application.

We greatly appreciate your keen interest and wonderful support.


Mila Rose Memorial Fund

In 2007, the EAGA lost a wonderful member and friend in Milas Rose of Centreville, VA. Milas was a relative newcomer to the EAGA. He had been diagnosed with cancer and had a right hemipelvectomy. He was relieved to know that he would be able to return to golf – one of his life’s passions. In the beginning, he used a single rider golf cart and participated at 2004 Combo Classic at Twin Lakes GC in Clifton, VA, and the Eastern Regional at Bethpage State Park on Long Island. Milas also played in the Northeastern Amputee Classic at CC of Woodloch Springs in Hawley, PA. In 2006, he played in the Combo Classic with his new prosthetic leg. This would be his last event as he was unable to shake the cancer. Milas’s widow, Joanne wished to do something in his memory. So the Milas Rose Memorial Fund was born to help his fellow Military veterans by establishing complimentary memberships to the EAGA for any wounded amputee soldier returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. EAGA Memberships are available to any amputee soldier who attends our NAGA “First Swing/Learn to Golf” Clinics with Disabled Sports/USA & Warfighter Sports Program. Memberships are also available to any amputee soldiers that are recommended by our EAGA Members and Friends. Thanks to all those who donated to the Fund for their generosity and support of our Military men and women.

National Amputee Golf Association Association Membership

For NAGA Membership information, please contact:

Co-Executive Directors Adam Benza (adambenza@movingforeward.org) or Tracy Ramin (tracyramin@yahoo.com)

The EAGA encourage all its members to belong to the NAGA. They helped the EAGA gets its start back in 1986.


  • Robert Buck

    Executive Director

    Bethlehem, Pa

  • Kellie Valentine

    Vice President & NAGA Eastern Trustee

    McKean, PA

  • Kim Jessup

    Vice President

    Jessup, PA

  • George Karnes

    Vice President

    Camp Hill, PA

  • John Prestwood

    Vice President

    Berwyn, PA

  • Doug DePaoli

    Vice President

    New Fairfield, CT

  • Adam Benza

    Vice President

    Hellertown, PA

  • John LeMieux

    Vice President

    Portland, ME

  • Jeremy Bittner

    Vice President

    Pittsburgh, PA

Golf Associations

United States Adaptive Golf Alliance | EQ Sylvester, Chairman | www.usaga.org

National Alliance on Accessible Golf | Steve Jubb, Executive Director | info@accessgolf.org | www.accessgolf.org

National Amputee Golf Association | Tracey Ramin, Co-Executive Directors | tracyramin@yahoo.com | Adam Benza, Co-Executive Director | (adambenza@movingforeward.org) | www.nagagolf.org

Western Amputee Golf Association | Danny Stevens, President | dstevens503@gmail.com | www.wagagolf.org

Southern Amputee Golf Association | Jim McElhiney, President | prolegman@gmail.com | www.sagagolf.org

Midwest Amputee Golf Association | Bradley Schubert, President | bschubert@usaga.org | www.mwaga.org

Southwest Amputee Golf Association | Roy McCoy, President | rmccoy2@austin.rr.com | amputeegolf1.com

Canadian Amputee Golf Association | Kristen Hammerback, President | Kristian.Hammerback@ryerson.com | www.caga.ca

North American One Arm Golfer Association | Dan Aldrich, President | dan@naoaga.org | www.naoaga.com

United States Blind Golf Association | David Meador, President | davidmeador@bellsouth.net | www.blindgolf.com

Middle Atlantic Blind Golfers Association | Maria Tobia, President | info@mabga.org | www.mabga.org

Queensland Amputee Golf Association | Woody Walker, President | iwalker4@bigpond.net.au | www.qaga.org.au

South Australian Amputee Golf Association | info@saaga.org.au

Amputee Golf Association Ontario, Canada (ParaGolfOntario) | paragolfontario.ca